3 November 2016 Main Meeting  Open Topics

Meeting Summary. . .

Nearly a baker’s dozen attended this month’s meeting in the Multi-purpose room at the Goleta Branch Library!  “Open Topics” suggested were aplenty and the ensuing discussions were nudged along by SBAUG Founding Member Ed Adams who always keeps us going with his wealth of knowledge.  This month’s lucky winner of the Apple Gift Card drawing was Ian Lessing!

Check back for more details and photos taken during the event…


Please join us this month in the Multi-purpose Room at the Goleta Branch Library located at 500 North Fairview Avenue ~ Goleta, CA.  Time: 6:00–7:30 p.m.  Click HERE for directions.  

We will be hosting an “Open Topics” theme this month! open-discussion Individuals in attendance will be invited to share any topic(s) of interest related to hardware or software that works with Apple’s devices.  For example, maybe you were impressed (or not) with Apple’s special event last month announcing its new line of MacBook Pro laptops or the new features in tvOS for AppleTV devices.  Or perhaps
you’d like to share some new Ins ‘n Outs using iOS 10 or have a “tale-of-horror” about a lightening strike that crippled some of your electronics.  Use your laptop, iPad or iPhone to connect to our AppleTv wirelessly and project ‘visual aids’ you’ve found to the large screen!

Not quite sure what topic you’d want to discuss – consider SBAUG Member Ed Adams suggestion:  “Pick one app [program] you can’t live without and give a short discussion on what, why and how?” 

The traditional Q&A ‘Everything Apple” period will open the evening and the ever popular $100 Apple-Gift-Card drawing will follow the ‘Open Topics ‘discussions.  (Drawing tickets are available to SBAUG Members only and each member-in-good-standing (MIGS) in attendance receives two (2) complimentary tickets and can purchase more tickets for $3 each or five tickets for $10.)

Easy parking, free WiFi compliments of the Library and good company are always provided.

To subscribe to SBAUG’s Calendar of Events – click HERE.

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