Office Hours

Each Saturday morning, beginning at 9am, SBAUG hosts Office Hours. †

You can join this weekly real-time discussion by using iChat or Messages [OS X v10.8) on a computer or with the AIM app an iOS or Android device.  On a computer open the File menu and select “Go to Chat Room” and enter “sbaug”. You will then automatically join Office Hours.

Note: You must have a .mac/.me/.iCloud, AIM or Jabber account to use iChat or AIM.  You can setup an AIM screen name only account HERE.

† Office Hours was the brain child of the late Brian Carlin (a longtime member of our group) .  His May 2007 post to the Email Discussion Group about his vision is quoted below.

At 2:53 AM -0700 5/9/07, Brian Carlin wrote:  I had a 2 AM half-baked idea. How ’bout we schedule SBMUG office hours on Saturday mornings on iChat? It could be like meeting Q & A, or just general chat about projects on the Mac or Internet. We could introduce each other, we usually don’t do that at meetings. It’s a good excuse for using this technology we have. I’ve done multi-party chats on iChat before, so we could probably have a group chat.

It could be Saturday mornings, maybe 9 to 11, or when I’m fully conscious. No hard & fast time. Audio chat is possible, but please no video chat requests. You may not like what you see!

You need a Mac with iChat software and an AOL instant messenger account or .Mac account. I think iChat helps you set one up when you run it first time. To open a chat with me, click the link at the end of this message. Or you can add kb6nvh (AIM account) to your buddy list.

Office Hours have been hosted ever since.

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