17 July 2013 Main Meeting

Meeting Summary… July’s topics: We discussed differences between Apple‘s iCloud service and Dropbox‘s Cloud storage and file-sharing service. Two Cloud backup applications had enthusiasts: Arq — online backup built especially for the Mac; and Crashplan — offsite, onsite, & Cloud backup service, with easy-to-restore features. Plus, Ian gave a

15 May 2013 Main Meeting

Meeting Summary… May’s round-table discussion: RoaringApps, an application-compatibility wiki for Mac OS X Mountain Lion & iOS 5, databasing thousands of apps and whether they’re compatible with Mountain Lion. Deleting applications: One product, AppZapper, finds the extra files and lets you delete them with one click.  Adobe’s announcement that future versions of the company’s Creative Suite… Continue reading 15 May 2013 Main Meeting

Robert Wilmott: 1948-2013

Robert was a longtime  and dedicated member of our Users Group and served on the Board for many years.   The Santa Barbara Independent published an ‘In Memorium’ article about Robert Wilmott online on 20-January-2013.  It begins with ‘Robert Wilmott passed away suddenly on January 10, 2013, in Arkansas, where he had flown to make final… Continue reading Robert Wilmott: 1948-2013