Robert was a longtime and dedicated member of our Users Group and served on the Board for many years. The Santa Barbara Independent published an ‘In Memorium’ article about Robert Wilmott online on 20-January-2013. It begins with ‘Robert Wilmott passed away suddenly on January 10, 2013, in Arkansas, where he had flown to make final arrangements for his sister Diana Brown, who had died unexpectedly one week before.” To read the full article click HERE.
What follows are some thoughts shared by members:
Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2013 14:24:08 -0800 “We are very sorry to report that Robert Wilmott passed away last Thursday, quite suddenly. He was on a trip back east to sort out his sister’s estate; she’s passed away early last week. The cause is reputed to have been a pulmonary embolism or aneurysm — we don’t know the details. Robert Wilmott was an integral part of the SBMUG / SBAUG, having volunteered to join the board and help preserve the club in recent years. He was generous, funny, and exceptionally friendly to all he met. He shared laughter, wonder, and joy freely with his wide circle of friends. He’ll be sorely missed.”
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2013 09:43:17 -080 “[Robert] …was loved in many circles in Santa Barbara and was an Usher at the County Bowl for several decades, meeting new friends all the time!!”
Attendees at the February 21, 2013 SBAUG general meeting took a few moments to remember our dear departed board member Robert Wilmott.

Robert Wilmott In Memorium Article Published by the SB Independent