
Roles: Duties & Functions Executive Board/Management Team
“Sanctioned” by Executive Board 05-Nov-2015

OFFICERS (elected by membership/appointed when vacated during term; roles defined in the By-Laws):

President: In addition to By-Laws Sec 6.1.1:

Prepare and distribute Executive Board meeting agendas (A first draft will be prepared by the secretary if the president so desires); promote weekly Office Hours through email; signatory on bank account(s); make deposits as needed; solicit topics for general meetings; serve as primary contact/facilitator with guest presenters before and at meetings, etc.

Vice President: In addition to By-Laws Sec. 6.1.2:

Assist with preparations for monthly meetings; lead Question & Answer session at monthly meetings; oversee meeting drawings including ticket distribution, sales, and drawing report results to the treasurer; also keep and report general meeting attendance and activity, including membership renewals and new-member sign-ups. (Other Board members, when in attendance, may assist with the latter.)

Secretary: In addition to By-Laws Sec. 6.1.3:

Provide a first draft of the Executive Board meeting agenda for the president, if the president so desires; may assist the Vice President in reporting general meeting attendance and activity and collecting membership dues, donations and drawing income.

Treasurer: In addition to By-Laws Sec.6.1.4:

Prepare quarterly and annual income and expense financial statements; record in a financial data management system funds received for membership, donation and advertising and report activity to the Board.


Past President:

Provide continuity and assist the president, when requested, with other responsibilities; host weekly Office Hours.

APPOINTEES (by the Executive Board):

Program Chair (if this position is filled):

The program chair shall be responsible for planning all aspects of the general SBAUG meeting, including the speakers, the agenda, equipment, location, the announcement describing the upcoming program, and all other aspects of the general monthly program, as necessary. Other Board members may assist.

If the position is vacant, these duties are shared by Executive Board members.

Publicity Director:

The publicity director is responsible for publicizing the organization’s meetings and other activities in the various local media venues and posting three reminders for each general meeting to the Email Discussion List (List-Serve).

Apple User Group Ambassador:

The ambassador for the group serves as the link and primary contact for Apple Inc.’s User Group Program.


Participate in the Executive Board decision-making process; may serve on committees or undertake special projects.


Board members are encouraged to attend monthly general meetings and assist with set-up, check-in and other support services; report details about monthly meetings for inclusion on the organization’s website; solicit special offers/discounts from local and online merchants that would be extended to members-in-good-standing; recruit new members; solicit merchandise from local online merchants that may be offered up as an item for each monthly drawing; seek out an individual/merchant/manufacturer who may be interested in offering a presentation at monthly meetings; et cetera.


KEY-PLAYER APPOINTEES: (Individuals serving in the following roles may/may not be voting members or attend Executive Board meetings.)

Email Discussion List (List-Serve) Administrator:

Enables and manages the Email Discussion List of the SBAUG, facilitating communication among the subscribed members. This involves a myriad of tasks, including providing orientation and passwords to subscribers; monitoring subscriptions and daily post activity; archiving; solving technical problems; providing periodic off-site backup; and more.

Currently, a second Administrator manages the Email List for the board members, enabling their communication.

SBAUG Webmaster (Website Administrator):

Develop/ maintain a WordPress-based website, including public and secure areas/features within the Members-only Zone (MoZ); oversee and update with content provided or agreed to by the Executive Board; cross-post website content to organization’s Facebook page; establish members-only online survey/voting systems as needed; resolve technical problems; and more.

Nominating Chair:

See By-Laws Sec. 5.0.5.

To view/save a copy of the above descriptions of the various duties and functions associated with the different roles (positions) that comprise this organization’s management team, click HERE