From Apple’s website “Join us here on September 7 at 10 a.m. PDT to watch the keynote live.” * Click the link below or the graphic to the left.
On the event page is a hyperlink, when clicked, will add “it” to your calendar(s) so you won’t miss out!
SBAUG Members can add comment(s) about this event below and view those submitted by other MIGS† prior to, during and after the event! (You must be logged in to post/review comments.)
Click HERE to review MacRumors’s “What to Expect from Apple in 2016” webpage.
Click HERE to review CNET’s webpage with a compilation of ‘rumors’ about the Sept 7th event.
Click HERE to review Macworld’s “how-to” view web page.
Click HERE to review The Verge’s take on what to expect.
* Requirements: Live streaming uses Apple’s HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) technology. HLS requires an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with Safari on iOS 7.0 or later, a Mac with Safari 6.0.5 or later on OS X v10.8.5 or later, or a PC with Microsoft Edge on Windows 10. Streaming via Apple TV requires an Apple TV (2nd or 3rd generation) with software 6.2 or later or an Apple TV (4th generation).”
†MIGS – Member-in-good-standing is an individual who has submitted annual dues in accordance with the organization’s By-Laws. To verify your standing, log-in to this website, locate and click on the “Howdy, YourName” in the upper right corner and then scroll down to the “Additional Member Info” section where your “Next Membership Renewal” date is indicated. Individuals whose membership has lapsed or prospective ‘new’ members may submit dues via PayPal – simply click on the Pay Now With Paypal graphic found HERE.
That was yet another enjoyable Apple Inc. product rollout!
AirPods – I want a set!
WOWSA – sold over 1 Billion (with a B) iPhones!
iWork’s Realtime-Collaboration is spiffy!
That Carpool Kareoke opening was pretty clever…
Looking forward to streaming yet another Apple Inc. “new stuff” LIVE event!