20 May 2015 Main Meeting – CANCELED

The SBAUG General Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, May 20th at Petrini’s Italian Restaurant in Goleta has been CANCELED.  The restaurant is hosting a Tip-a-Cop event that evening for the Santa Barbara Region of Special Olympics Southern California [SOSC].  The restaurant’s management has extended an invitation to all SBAUG members to come between 4:30 and 10:30 PM and join in the festivities, order from the menu, and your food will be served by volunteers from the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department and District Attorney’s Office.  Doesn’t that sound like fun?!  All tips collected by law enforcement officers directly benefit the 500 Special Olympics athletes in Santa Barbara County.  So come and support this worthy cause!  Question about the Tip-a-Cop event contact Michelle Duke | MDuke@sosc.org | 805.468.4527.  Get Directions

The next General Meeting of the SBAUG is scheduled for  17-June-2015 at Petrini’s, as usual.  Questions about SBAUG – Write to us.


ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED: May 9, 2015 @ 09:58